Friends of the Library Plan for a Big 2018 – Form New Committees

The Friends host community book sales to help raise funds for the libraries. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of being a Friend with a special sneak peek for Friend’s members.
Join the Friends of the Library and Make a Difference in Your Community!
As Berkeley County and the Berkeley County Library System continue to grow, it is even more important for the Friends of the Library to grow with them. With this in mind, the Friends of the Library are working hard to plan more events, fundraisers, and special projects to help support the 6 BCLS libraries, mobile library, and the forthcoming new Cane Bay Library, which is expected to open in Fall of this year. We have established new committees and committee chairs to allow members to focus their talents and time on an area that means a lot to them.
Why join the Friends?
The Friends of Berkeley County Library System is an incorporated non-profit organization of volunteers. We promote, enhance, and support the Berkeley County Library System to bring all the exciting, involving, inspiring programs our county’s residents both need…and deserve.
Support from our members and other generous donors has enabled BCLS to offer special programs that have a huge impact on our community. While public funding supports basic library operations, support from the Friends allows the library to do more for their customers. It’s what makes the difference between a good library and a great library.
Money is raised through membership fees, donations, Friends’ book sale shelves at each library, and special fundraising events. Funds from the Friends help support programs and initiatives for children, teens, and adults including the Summer Reading Program for all 6 BCLS library branches and the mobile library.
The Friends of the Berkeley County Library, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization.
How can you be a Friend?

The Friends support and help fund the Summer Reading Program every year which includes paying for special programs like a Magic Show and Theatre Group, providing medals and t-shirts for children who complete the program and funding the grand prizes for special winners such as a reading tablet.
Whether through a monetary donation or a gift of time and talent, you can make a difference. Our memberships begin as low as $10/year starting in the month you join.
Membership Benefits Include:
- Because we are a 501(c)3 organization, your membership and/or donation is tax deductible.
- Entry to Book Sale preview events and “first choice” for workers.
- Discounted tickets to select FRIENDS fundraisers.
- Invitation to attend Friend’s Annual Meeting and Local Author Meet & Greet.
Ways to help:
Become a friend! If you are not a member or you need to renew your membership. Please consider becoming a member of the Friends or encouraging others to join. There are membership envelopes available at the all BCLS library branches; you can also join through PayPal online on our website.
Volunteer at an event or fundraiser! Check our website, sign up for our monthly e-newsletter, or contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Kim Ward at, to see what events are coming up and how you can help.
Join a committee! You can make a higher impact by serving on a committee. Here is a list of our committees and the committee chair contacts. If you would like to join a committee or request more information, you can email the committee chair directly.
- Fundraiser Committee – EMAIL COMMITTEE CHAIR
- Membership Committee – EMAIL COMMITTEE CHAIR
- Communications and Marketing Committee – EMAIL LIBRARY LIASION or EMAIL COMMITTEE CHAIR
- Volunteer Committee – EMAIL COMMITTEE CHAIR
- Book Sales Committee – EMAIL COMMITTEE CHAIR
Make a monetary donation! Whether you are a member of the Friends or not, your donation is greatly appreciated. Donations to the Friends of the Berkeley County Library are fully tax-deductible. You can make a monetary donation:
- Online with a credit card by clicking the donate button on this page.
- By placing a donation check in a Friend’s envelope at one of the library branches (drop envelope in the book sales payment box).
- Or by printing a Friends of BCLS_Monetary Donation Form and mailing it with a check to the Friends of the Berkeley County Library System, 100 Library Street Moncks Corner, SC 29461.
It feels so good to be a Friend!
As a member of the Friends of the Library, you will be rewarded in a thousand ways every year – with hundreds of children’s smiles as they receive their Summer Reading t-shirt and medals, the sincere appreciation from library staff for your support, and the satisfaction of knowing you make a difference to one of Berkeley County’s most important resources.
Join Today & Make a Difference!