Berkeley County Flooding Update and Resources

SCDOC is working with The SC Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) to applying for a Disaster National Emergency Grant, seeking federal funds to cover costs associated with

photo from the Berkeley Observer

photo from the Berkeley Observer

temporary employment services needed for humanitarian efforts, clean-up and restoration in areas impacted by the flood.  This not only assists with the clean-up efforts, but also gets displaced workers employment quickly.

DEW also is looking to implement the Disaster Unemployment Assistance program, which is a federally funded and mandated program to provide temporary assistance to individuals who are unemployed or partially unemployed as a direct result of a disaster that has been declared by the President.
There is a very tight deadline with the US Department of Labor to apply for the funds. We need your assistance in providing the impact data and the proposed clean-up needs involved.
Understanding that we are still in the initial assessment phase and may only have projections at this time, we need your help and are seeking data on the following:
  • Number of businesses unable to operate in each of the impacted counties.
  • Number of workers separated due to business operations ceasing.
  • Number of potential temporary positions needed to provide assistance to those who have been evacuated, by county.
  • Number of potential temporary positions needed to facilitate public clean-up and restoration activities, by county.
Any info you can provide to help us gather this data will be extremely helpful. Thank you in advance for your assistance in gathering or providing this information and for recognizing our window of opportunity is very limited.
Flood Debris Collection Information
SCDOT Provides Flood Debris Collection Information
In anticipation of a major effort to collect debris resulting from the rain and flooding in the state, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) wants to make the public aware of the guidelines for the collection of debris.
Categories of debris that will be collected by SCDOT:
  • Vegetative debris – Tree branches, leaves, logs & plants. DO NOT BAG this material.
  • Construction/Demolition material – Carpet, drywall, furniture, lumber, mattresses, plumbing materials, shingles and tiles.
  • Appliances – Air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, stoves, water heaters, dishwashers, washing machines and dryers.
  • Electronics – Computers, televisions, stereos, radios and other devices with an electrical cord.
  • Household Hazardous Waste- Cleaning supplies, lawn chemicals, oils, oil-based paints and stains, pesticides
If you have or will receive insurance proceeds for the removal or disposal of flood generated debris, do not place on right-of-way for collection by SCDOT.
SCDOT will not collect normal household trash and bagged debris of any kind. Property owners should continue to follow normal garbage removal schedules.
The debris should be separated into the categories listed above.  Property owners should not stack or lean debris on or near trees, fire hydrants, mail boxes or other structures. Debris should be placed at the edge of the property line at the curb. Any debris placed between a sidewalk toward the property will not be collected by SCDOT. A schedule will be released when the details have been determined.
A chart illustrating the information in this release can be found in this link:
Allen Hutto
Government Relations Officer
South Carolina Department of Transportation
Office:  803-737-0593
Mobile:  803-665-2764
Road and Bridge Closings
We have just updated the Road Closure document to reflect the most current information issued today, October 8, 2015.
Road Conditions
SCDOT has posted up-to-date road conditions by county.
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Business Recovery Guide
When a disaster occurs, businesses must take care of their employees’ needs, communicate the impact, address financial matters (e.g., insurance, disaster assistance), restore operations, and organize recovery. Below are resources to help reopen your business and make progress through long-term recovery.
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National Disaster Help Desk
The US Chamber Foundation’s CCC launched the National Disaster Help Desk for Business (1-888-MY-BIZ-HELP) in 2007, a resource brought to you by the Office Depot Foundation. The Help Desk is designed to enhance community economic recovery after a disaster, but also starts with building contacts and relationships before one occurs.

The Help Desk will provide coordination of information among businesses, local chambers of commerce, nonprofits, government, and disaster recovery specialists. The purpose is to support and enhance existing systems, and facilitate information sharing where there are gaps. After a Presidentially declared disaster where the Help Desk is activated, you should call if:

  • You are in the impact area and want help navigating FEMA, SBA, and other assistance programs.
  • You are in the impact area and are not sure who to call for a particular need or assistance.
  • You want information about recovery best practices.
  • You want to support the recovery process and connect with chambers or businesses in the impacted area.

Source: Berkeley Chamber of Commerce President, Elaine Morgan